Mums & More

Mums & More is a daytime home group for mums. We have a group that meets on Tuesday mornings (10 am - 12 noon) and another group that meets on Wednesday mornings (9:30 am - 11:30 am), giving you the option of choosing which day is best for you.

The groups study the Bible, sing and pray together. We drink coffee and eat lots of cake! We also meet up in the school holidays for social events.


Flourish is a ladies’ fellowship group that meets monthly for various activities. Its purpose is to develop and strengthen friendships between the ladies of Manor Park and be a safe place to flourish and be encouraged with God’s love.

Women’s Weekend Away

Women’s Weekend Away takes place at Hebron Hall in South Wales every other year. It is a great time of worshipping together, hearing God’s Word, fellowship, food, and fun. 

November 2023 - In Christ Alone

October 2021 - Women of the Word

Titus 2 Women

‘3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.’ - Titus 2:3-5

At Manor Park Church we are dedicated to making disciples; to see every Christian grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus. We do discipleship in many different ways. One way is our Titus 2 Women. In Titus Chapter 2 verses 3-5 Paul encourages older women to care for younger women in the church; to teach them and train them in Christ-like ways.

At Manor Park Church this passing on of knowledge and practical care between women happens in many and varied ways; through home groups, 1-to-1 conversations and so on. But, in addition to this, the elders have asked 6 older women to specifically care for all the younger women. These older women have many years of experience of walking with the Lord in good times and bad, and godly experience to pass on.

The ‘Titus 2 Women’ meet together regularly to pray for all the younger women and to develop their own caring, helping gifts. (They are currently reading a book called ‘How to be a people helper’ by Gary R. Collins).

There are times when a woman would prefer to talk with another woman about a situation or problem and the Titus 2 Women are there for such a time. They also ensure all the younger women are growing spiritually and are loved and cared for.