Home Groups

We hold a number of home groups throughout the week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Home groups are made up of 10 - 15 people and meet in homes of people from the church around Worcester. If you’d like to find out more about home groups, please speak to an elder on a Sunday morning or contact us online. We also run two daytime groups for women of all ages.

What happens in a home group?


What a blessing it is to meet with fellow Christians during the week! Conversations over coffee and meals out together are an essential part of home groups.

Bible study

Every group studies the Bible each week. We often dive deeper into the passage from the previous Sunday’s sermon, or work through a book of the Bible.

Week of Prayer

Prayer happens every week in home groups but the first week of every month is dedicated to it. A monthly prayer sheet is circulated with prayers for the church family and our missionary partners.


Some groups sing together!