Explorers is an action-packed club for children from Reception to Year 6. We meet from 5:45-7:00 pm on Monday evenings during term time at Honeywell Primary School. We play games, do crafts, sing and hear a Bible story each week. If you would like your child to join, please contact Russ or Tracy on 07734 353339.

During the summer holiday, we also have a week-long Holiday Club (see more here). All our clubs are free!


Trailblazers is a free club for youngsters in the area in school years 7 to 9. We meet from 7.15-8.15 pm on Monday evenings during term time at Honeywell Primary School. We kick the evening off with craft activities and games including table tennis, pool and football. We then enjoy some refreshments and listen to an interactive talk relating the Bible to everyday life, and we finish off with a team game like bench-ball or hockey.

If your child has lost their registration and consent from, you can find it here.


Sunday Night Youth is a discipleship and fellowship group for the young people at Manor Park Church in school years 7-13. We currently meet on Sunday evenings between 6:15-7.45 pm at Honeywell Primary School. The focus of the evening is a Bible study but we also enjoy games and snacks. In our Bible studies, we go through a book of the Bible or look at issues that are relevant and important for young people growing up in the 21st Century. It is also really good to socialise with fellow young Christians. So, we occasionally go out bowling or stay in and play Mario Kart together. Get in touch with Nathan on 07485 097524 if you’d like to know more.