10:30am | Sunday 15th December
Honeywell Primary School, Tudor Way, Worcester, WR2 5QH
Young church will be performing their nativity play, and we’ll also be spending some time thinking about why Jesus came to earth all those years ago. The whole family is welcome. We’ll be serving mince pies and drinks, and a crèche is available for the little ones.
5pm | Sunday 22nd December
Honeywell Primary School, Tudor Way, Worcester, WR2 5QH
A fun and engaging hour for all! Come and enjoy a mince pie and a drink, and join us for a great hour, filled with carols, readings from the Bible, a music piece from our choir and a short talk explaining the Christmas message. Everyone is welcome, and we’ll be running a crèche for those who need it.
10am | Wednesday 25th December
Honeywell Primary School, Tudor Way, Worcester, WR2 5QH
What better way to spend Christmas morning than celebrating the greatest present ever given? Come and join us to sing carols, see the excitement of presents that have already been given and be reminded of what Christmas is ultimately all about: Jesus! Crèche facilities will be available. Everyone is welcome.